In reply to:

And if you think empeg is not doing it's job you get me a software upgrade for my Nokia 7110, that thing crashes more then an XT trying to run Windows 2000 ...
The software for my empeg is just a click away ... Maybe some things got delayed, maybe some things are not on it that you took for granted ... But then in a few months it will have all that was promised and more so stop you bellyaching.

Who said anything about software? Software is (generally) a "Cost-less" proposition (except where additional licensing/re-licensing fees are necessary, as in the case of the audio formats Rob and co. are talking about). I would expect (and indeed, get - kudos to Empeg on this front) software updates for free unless I'm paying for some new feature (WMA, for example, although I'm not sure if that has a license fee associated with it) that I didn't previously have.

If you have a phone whose display is consistently unreadable, though, you would take it back to the vendor/mfr, and expect them to replace or repair it to make it readable. THAT's what we're talking about here that the Empeg folks are (apparently) not willing to do.