>On the other hand, the Empeg folks were satisfied with the non-AR design and >called it "done". If folks hadn't been making noises here on the BBS about it,
>and if Empeg hadn't said anything about AR panels possibly becoming available
>soon, there would have been no issue.

Nope :-)

I realized the drawbacks about 1 day after i got my Mk2 and posted it here 1 day later, i dont' care who promised what, i simply knew that this was unbearable ...

( I start thinking about whose fault it is when it comes to paying for it, but luckyily the charge that rob announced is in the "dont care" range )

So now my friend whom i sold my Mk1, and who was so happy about giving him my "faulty" Mk2 faceplate ( the one with sticking buttons ) returned to Mk1 faceplate again, because he couldn't use the blue PG ( pro-glare :-) ) faceplate.

He would be in for another AR display too :-)
Of course without the discount, but anyways he also thinks it is worth it ...
