usability for marketed purpose type laws, since cars are exposed to the sun, you could make a case that it isn't usable on a sunny day with the top down

Damn!! You are right! Not fit for the purpose intended! Well, in that case I have just decided that I am totally unsatisfied with my Mk1, because occasionaly, I can't see the screen in sunlight with the top down on my TR 6. I don't give a flying fart that the unit does fulfil it's primary design role (playing music).

Rob, I demand that you send me a free Mk2 to replace this unit. It is just not acceptable that within one year of me buying this unit you have totally obsoleted it with a clearly superior design.

Which hurts more? One thousand pounds in replacement units, or the potential lost sales from bad word-of-mouth about customer service?

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015