>I think I might just take this personally. Yes, I think I will. In fact, that
>strikes me as a pretty good idea.

Why do you think i meant you ?! I didn't ...
What i meant was the type of comments, that appear in threads, where empeg ( the device or the company ) is criticised and peaople just post things with an overall contents like "shut up" ( they don't actually say so, but whatever they write in 5 - 15 lines goes this direction, without adding any info for the problem that someone was annoyed about.

Strange you saw yourself in my words descibing people like that, i didn't think of you. You are surely aligning with empeg's official opinion often, but i guess this is just because it IS your opinion, and you always add new info/hints to what you're saying.

>Nils, are you under the impression that various members of the BBS are
>specially privileged, i.e. that they get freebies or other such goodies from
>empeg for being nice??!! Or have you forgotten that this is pretty much a
>closed, self-congratulatory community of like-minded souls? What benefit do
>you think you get by being pleasantly complimentary?

No, if i would think so, i would sent automated compliments & nice emails to this BBS and to all empeg members every 10 nano seconds.
( You can't really think that i thought so, that is what was striking me, with those people, they don't BENEFIT from that behaviour. )

>After the comments you make here, you can still make a statement like this and >keep smiling??

Yes, without a problem.
As i didn't talk about one special person, and as i did not mention names ( which i won't do also in the future ) i couldn't be accused of getting personal myself. Again, whyever you felt i meant you, that is your problem and that is not true.

>I'm beginning to wonder if while I've been away the BBS has been taken over by
>aliens, who look and sound the same as before - it's just that they are now

Thats exactly what i thought, i just thought it about other people.
( And NO i don't mean you, do i have to include that for all my following posts ?? )


So whatever you make of this, i am sorry for troubling you, but nevertheless i meant my posting exactly as it was, although its not really bad, as we just speak of a technical toy, not more.

Nils, surprised !