I would expect ... software updates for free

Man, what planet do you come from?

I am racking what few brains I have and I cannot think of a single software supplier (besides empeg) who provides "software updates for free". Most don't even provide bug fixes for free -- you just wait until the next iteration of the software comes out and then you pay more for that than you did for the original version of the software in the first place.

I don't expect empeg to provide me with anything after the sale, so long as the product works as advertised. It does, so I'm satisfied, and any extras they offer (such as improved viewing capabilities in sunlight at highly subsidized prices, or improvements/additional capabilities in the software) are really nice bonuses. You certainly won't find me complaining about not getting things for free that they never promised in the first place.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"