In case you can’t tell, I’m not a huge Bush supporter (though I was at one time). I just happen to think that he’s more likely to govern the country the way I’d want than any of the other choices available. I think this because of his religious persuasion and the fact that what I’ve read of the other’s indicates they’d support things to which I’m firmly opposed.
Okay, I totally respect that. It just seems that there are a lot of people who would vote for him just on the basis of his faith, without regard for what he actually does. I can understand your concept (at least in an ideal sense) that if you don't know anything else about a guy, you can start off with religion being a good indication of what he might do if elected. Not sure it holds up in all cases, but it's better than some other methods.

This phenomenon doesn't just exist with religion, either, as a lot of voters pick one or two issues and vote for those, without even looking at anything else (gun control, abortion rights, whatever.) I think doing that is more irresponsible than not voting at all.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff