But from what I’ve seen and experienced of the man I feel that I can trust his motives.
Speaking as a Christian who's somewhere between you and Bitt in my fervor, I look at what GWB has done, and find it the exact opposite of everything that I understand about Christianity.

God calls us to be a steward of the planet. GWB has raped 200 environmental laws designed to protect the planet.

Thou shalt not kill. Despite your assertion (I think it was you that wrote it), I've never seen that interpreted as "thou shalt not murder," until now. He's sent more people to the chair than any Texan gov. in history, has little regard for the slaughter of life due to the wars.

Speaking of which, what ever happened to "turn the other cheek"? Does no one understand why violence is a circle?

Oh, and Christ's admonishment to the rich man to give up his riches if he wanted to enter into heaven? GWB gave tax cuts to the rich.

Remember the sermon on the mount? Take a look at the qualities that Christ espoused, and see how GWB stacks up:
meek? Mr. Bring-em-on? Nope. Merciful? Nada. Pure in heart? Not when actions speak louder than words. Peacemaker? Hardly that -- he's operating two major theatres of war.

Then, there's the little matter of honesty, or, rather, his complete lack of it.

How about "let he who is without sin cast the first stone?" What do we have from Bush? Retribution. "Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself?" Oops, not showing much Christian value, there, either.

I cannot fathom how any Christian can look at that man, and see any shred of Christianity within him. Call a spade a spade. Look beyond his public pro-life, pro-family statements.

All I see is a man on a crusade for personal riches, masquerading it as a battle of righteousness. He is the complete antithesis of the Christian morality that I was brought up to believe in.