That's an odd problem you're experiencing with the unit locking up when using the web interface. Do any of the web-pages work? And are you sure you have the right IP address? You can verify by going to the 'About RRR' option on the main menu of the unit.

You can get HPNA working, but it's a bit tricky. You'll have to swap out the zImage file from the distribution I have with the one that came with the RIO. The HPNA drivers are not in the public domain, so we can't add them to our code base yet. This process has been discussed here, and I've recieved email from someone that has had luck with this, so I know it's possible.

And what I like to use is my laptop with 802.11 to control the Rio. Though with the small form-factor of the hand-held, I probably should come out with a different cascading style sheet to make it more pda-friendly. If you want to have a go at it, just edit the file /sbin/header.txt in the NFS filesystem. Let me know if anyone has any improvements/changes.

One other dissapointing note -- the person I thought I was going to buy the rio from flaked, so now I'm once again stuck with just one Rio. Let me know if anyone's got a spare they're willing to sell me
