
Thanks for taking a look through my post. I tried as you said replacing the ZImage file with the original one... And based on some other postings here, replaced the il-binary.o file as well. Neither helped it get past the "searching for audio server" screen - although the Windows Server did recognize a "new" audio receiver after I deleted the one in the list. So it looks like it's picking up a valid DHCP request - just not booting very far.

I'll keep playing around with different combinations - because I'd love to get the HPNA working on my second Rio. I don't feel like running another Ethernet line to my bedroom!

I did actually go downstairs to my first Rio and noticed that it wasn't really locked up... It just wasn't responding to a Web request. Perhaps something flaked out when I submitted the changes to the config file. After hitting "submit" I found that the config file was saved - (Not quite sure "where" it was saved) - but then it would no longer take another Web request.

Cool that you played around with WiFi as well. The Toshiba e740 has a built-in 802.11b adapter... Which is the same as your laptop. But fits in your hand.

It would be cool if we could customize the HTML pages ourselves... Using templates that we could customize - or at least let us know how to hack out your pages to make changes. Not a big deal really... I personally like to dig around.

As before, I'll keep trying to figure out the steps I took to get the unit to stop working. I have seen it weird out where the screens flip back and forth between the selection menus and the play/stopped menus. And back and forth. This only happened when using the control knob. And lastly - speaking of the control knob - on the menus, the direction of the knob rotation is backwards to what it was with the original Rio software. Right should be down... Not up.

Thanks again for the great software.
