Here's the relevant bit from the email I got from the guy that got HPNA working :

I simply extracted the ./zImage and ./il-binary.o file from the arf file
that comes with the rio receiver, and replaced yours with those. Dave, the
RioPlay author, posted this trick on the BBS. Not sure if someone else
succeeded at getting an HPNA driver to work that is compiled from source.

Sounds like that's what you did though, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

It probably wouln't be too dificult to extract the static HTML out into txt files that you could edit by hand. And you can change the look and feel quite a bit by editing the cascading style sheet in the header.txt file. In terms of chaning the dynamic HTML (what's playing, etc), then all that code is simply in action_http.c -- and it's fairly simple to make changes. If you don't want to bother setting up a cross-compiler, please feel free to modify that file and send me any changes and I'll try to incorporate them.

If you want to add different/new screens, then you just add a line in action.c mapping a URL to a function, then add that function to action_http.c

My display code is not very nice, and needs to be re-written. I'm also in the process of adding a few new fonts to make it more aesthetically pleasing. That all needs rewriting, and hopefully that'll fix your problems.

Finally, with the controller knob, it always messes me up on the original rio client (I think it should be backwards than the way they implemented it.. i think of clockwise as turning the volume up, so i figure the menu selection should go up.) I'll make this a configurable option.

Oh, and the configuration. It will try two things. First off, it will try to save it to disk, which usually will fail, unless you've got a proper NFS mount with the right perms setup. Secondly, it will send out an assortment of UDP requests to the server to store the configuration in place of the "Favorites" on the server. You can see what's saved by going to http://<SERVER_IP>/favourites/all. This does limit you to 99 configuration options, but I think that should work.
