Surely you still need to both transmit and receive?

The output signal was used to reset the collision detection circuit.

BTW: What are you using for an IBus interface?

I was using an experimental interface, but I switched to the one by Rolf Resler based around a th3122 k-bus driver.
I recommend Mr. Resler's kits due to their good quality and safety (playing with I-BUS without a decent interface can be quite dangerous).

Now a question: as you known I need to run ttyS1 at 9600-8-E-1, but I also need read/write access to /proc/empeg_notify; does it's enought to setup Hijack to "Apps use serial" and put [output]notify=1 / [hijack]suppress_notify=1 in config.ini?

Sorry for questions that some could see as obvious, but I want to be sure about everything.