Well... I hope I misinterpreted your slam of my install as one generally installs the radio where it was intended unless they want to go to a lot more work (and in many cases, a less professional look).

My BMW has the radio directly under a vent and directly above the climate control. The air to the sides is clear and the air above. The bottom, though, rests on the climate control. Although I DO understand what you're saying about it being open to air all around, I sincerely doubt that most installations succeed in doing this.

Previously I had a Honda CRX and an Acura Integra. The CRX had major heating issues as all of the glass and my climate didn't get along. It did not help that the radio with it's own power amp sat above the Empeg. I put the fan holes in specifically for that reason as I spaced the radio off from the Empeg chassis to allow some flow. BUT even though it had mostly free air around it, it still had overheating issues. So I tend to think that your suggestion is not the solution for everything in all cases. I had it in an Integra also and didn't have as many issues even when the radio did sit directly below it. When I removed the radio and went to an Empeg and Carputer set up and had the monitor mounted in a movable chassis the heating issues mostly disappeared.

Well, I intend to also use the same set up with the BMW and have the Empeg installed already. The computer is going in the trunk and the monitor mounts on a bracket next to the radio. My concern is that I haven't been able to lower the temp inside the Empeg like I could before. Even in the CRX where the radio heat was intensified, I was able to maintain a constant temp with the fan on. Currently, even with the fan on I am climbing constantly. It is NOT the hard drive as this issue has occurred with multiple hard drives I've had in the unit. And since I do have airflow AND 2 LARGE holes on the top panel and and still not pulling enough heat out, how do I lower it?

I had one of those hard drive coolers in it for awhile. It had 2 60mm fans and an aluminum heat sink that contacted the drive faces ( I KNOW this is not ideal... but it did work and did NOT ruin any of the drives). The holes in the top were originally cut to mirror this set up. It does NOT fit in well, though and is REALLY loud and I'd rather not return to this method... but I might have to. I mean, even with the drive today to and from lunch I raised about 10C