I would like to make one more explanation and then I'm done... no one is listening or thinking...

OK. The Empeg is a heat source. If I put it in my living room at an ambient temp of 74F and leave it on, it will raise to something like 90F after running for awhile. This discussion of temperature rise in open air has been exhausted before but I am not sure of the exact numbers but there IS a temperature increase. For this example, let's say it's 16F. OK... now let's raise the ambient temp to 90F... does the empeg still STAY 90F? NO! It is a heat source... it will be above 90F by some amount... let's stick with the 16F for comparison. So the Empeg is now 106F.

IF I were to take 90F ambient air and blow it on a heat source, the Empeg, which is running at 106, then there WOULD be a temperature drop. It would NEVER reach 90F because of the heat generation and losses, but it WOULD be less than the 106F

Now in my case, the Empeg was shutting down meaning the ambient temp PLUS the empeg heat generation was 138F. The temperature inside the dash console could have in NO WAY been 138F for safety reasons (as no matter how much they seal, there is no way to completely seal the dash so NO air gets out). BUT the ambient temperature IN the dash area PLUS the heat generated by the Empeg WERE 138F. ALL OF THIS MEANS THE AMBIENT TEMP IN THE DASH WAS LESS THAN THE EMPEG HEAT GENERATION. It HAS to be. So, taking cooler abient air, no matter HOW MUCH COOLER, and flowing that air over the components would HAVE to result in a temperature decrease in the Empeg. BUT it could only be lowered to the ambient in the dash with 100% efficiency... So it would be something above that.

What no one is taking into account is the HEAT GENERATOR that IS the Empeg. Ambient temp PLUS that trapped heat generated are what is measured by the sensor.

Please don't make me drag out my thermo books and do an example of heat generator and cooling effects... THINK!