If you are then handed a fan which is blowing the same 95 degree air at your face, you're telling me it will not lower your facial surface temp even minutely?

Of course it will, provided that there is moisture on your face to dissipate heat through evaporation. But what if that fan were blowing 140 degree air at your face?

That's what you're doing with any sort of fan or heat sink on the empeg: you're feeding air into the empeg that is hotter than the components inside the empeg, and that is going to heat up the inside of the empeg, not cool it down, just like that 140 degree air blowing on you will heat up your face.

When you dry your hair with a hair dryer, do your hair and scalp become cooler?

This is not a matter of "...an argument over physics that seems to be opinionated." This is basic thermodynamics and there is no escaping the fact that if you pour heat into something, that something is going to get hotter! If you keep heating those hard drives to 59C (or more!), you are going to significantly shorten their life.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"