No possible EASY way to get to the footwell... But I will have to VEHEMENTLY disagree with you about the air issue... I will clarify with a real world example:

Let's say the temperature outsideis 95 degrees and you are standing there... for argument sake we will take away the effect of the sun on your body. If you are then handed a fan which is blowing the same 95 degree air at your face, you're telling me it will not lower your facial surface temp even minutely?

Heat sinks in general remove heat by air flowing over fins... as long as the air being blown over the heat sink is LESS than the generated heat from the parts, then you will have a temperature drop with the fins that wouldn't be there without it... so now the argument is that the Empeg components are not generating the amount of heat as is present ambiently. BUT regardless, the fan example above applies.

It seems we've fallen into an argument over physics that seems to be opionated... I thank everyone for their advice, especially tanstaafr who has the same car and actually gave me something to compare to... I will do what's needed to cool it if it comes to that utilizing my various theories... But I don't see how anyone is benefitting from arguing over whether a fan blowing warm air does anything.

And actually... the power steering motor I was the designer on is up under the dash with little ventilation. And if the heater was on at the floorboards... heat rises... and guess where the heat is going to be sitting? Under the dash...