Of course... a bigger fan doesn't fix a larger problem.

My thoughts, though, are that I have not done enough research as to that fan's effects. I had not used it in any of the vehicles prior. I added it with the Integra but it was not attached to power for any length of time. I believe the fan is faulty. And my initial temperatur rising issue WITH the fan in place I didn't yield enough data to say "yay or nay" to a fan in general.

One thing I may not have clarified is that my initial post about the 59C shutdown in car DID NOT have the fan installed (it was there, but wires were not connected)

Thanks everyone for the help - unfortunately it seems if you haven't worked at Empeg sometime in your life or aren't part of a circle, you're thought to be clueless...

BTW... Renault Clio's are the cars that have the electric power steering motor I was the electro-mechanical designer on... I am a mechanical engineer, though, by degree. I have since left that company (actually I left prior to having built any Clio's with the motor installed) and I have heard that there are MANY problems with the power steering... our manufacturing plant did not liason with anyone well... and they fixed problems that arose with no input... sad really...

I am not saying that thinking I am better or worse than anyone else... only trying to point out that I'm not clueless or even uneducated as someone may have portrayed me.

Edited by Jemmi (29/11/2005 14:40)