Wow, that looks great. The prices for disk and bandwidth are unbelievable. I just hope they're sustainable as they grow.

I don't see how those prices are good at all. Maybe if you're just putting 100MB up there, sure, but if you use that service for storage, the prices get ridiculous. I'm using 30GB of my allotted 560GB on Dreamhost, and 30GB on that service would cost $350 per month, instead of the $380 I paid for two years.

Here's what I recall about Dreamhost: at one point they went a little crazy, and decided to offer double the storage and bandwidth they had been advertising, and they applied this to everyone who was already signed up in addition to new people. They quickly realized that they couldn't support this, and consequently went through a couple months of very poor service (which is, I believe, the period that most of the people here were complaining about). Since then, they cut back on what they were offering to new people, but they let the people they had upgraded (me, for example) keep the new plan. I went from ~220GB to ~440GB of storage. That was cool.