Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Worse than Windows Me? Worse than WinCE?


Windows ME - It was pretty bad, but at least people did have an easy time either sticking with Windows 98 or moving to Windows 2000. The one system I helped maintain with Windows ME showed very little additional problems beyond the general flakiness of the Win9x series in general.

Windows CE - Depends on the version and device. Windows Mobile devices are definitely near the bottom of my list for a smartphone, but they don't strike me as having the same severity of issues Vista has.

Vista has managed to do tons more harm then either CE or ME. It has computer manufacturers actively seeking ways to be able to still offer XP nearly 3 years after Vista shipped.

Windows 7 is what Vista should have been when it shipped. But MS was caught with their pants down when it came to security and ensuring .Net was ready. What shipped was written in 18 months, starting from the code base of Server 2003 SP1 and a declaration that no components could be built with .Net. In other words, 48 months worth of work was tossed away, and a rushed OS was released that caught driver makers, computer manufacturers, business and consumers by surprise.

Ultimately I think Microsoft needs to copy Apple's business plan of the late 90s. Flush the OS, get something new from somewhere (singularity maybe), and spend a bit of effort in putting in just enough backwards compatibility to allow people to make the jump. MS is just hauling way too much baggage in the OS these days with ancient APIs, duct tape over all the known security holes, and an architecture that isn't ready for highly multicore systems.