Originally Posted By: hybrid8
CTRL-F2 on Mac OS.

Now that you say that, I do remember that. However:

First, that's a terrible shortcut. I can't think of anywhere else that MacOS uses either Control or the F-keys. And it pretty much requires that you cross your right hand over to the left. (Hm, actually, there is a Control key on the right, isn't there? I never use that one. I don't use the one on the left, either, though. I remapped CapsLock to be Ctrl so as to have a correct keyboard.)

Second, on a MacBook, that translates to Ctrl-Fn-F2, which is even more awkward. Yeah, you can make the brightness, volume, etc. require the Fn key rather than the F-keys requiring it, but there are fairly few reasons to ever use the F-keys in MacOS that I know of.

Edited by wfaulk (09/07/2009 15:54)
Edit Reason: Still don't know my left from right
Bitt Faulk