Like I said, I guess I just misunderstood the post where that new folder issue was brought up.

And technically, Bruno, you said the desktop's "context menu doesn't have the same hierarchy." That is incorrect. Isn't the context menu what is referred to by the right-click on a mouse? That is identical. The file menu is different, and everything about the desktop is handled differently, almost entirely through the context menu. I don't really find that unintuitive because there is no "File" menu on the desktop, so you wouldn't expect that anyway. What's unintuitive was when I was using someone's Mac this past week and for a particular reason I needed to find something analogous to Windows' device manager. Why would I expect it to be on what is essentially an"About" screen?

Man, I really didn't want another religious war when I started this thread. I mostly just hate this debate, which is never going to be settled because it's more subjective than either side wants to admit (which I think is where Tony was coming from).

All I can say is that I'm using Windows 7, I'm happy about it, and I'm happy that you like your operating system of choice.

Edited by Dignan (10/07/2009 19:14)