Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
I have too much invested (time, money, learning curve, etc.) in Windows to capriciously switch to another OS for what I perceive to be marginal gains.

If I were starting from scratch (rather than being chained down by more than 30 years of computer experience) I would seriously consider Linux. But, you know how it goes. Old dogs, new tricks...

Not that I'm a big proponent of desktop Linux, but I never did understand the argument of "I've been on Windows for ages, other things are hard to learn." Windows hasn't exactly stayed the same, and has had some major shifts. Going from just a fancy shell on top of DOS (Win 1-3) to a fancy shell on DOS with a completely reworked UI (95-ME), to a completely different underbelly (XP), and then more underbelly and GUI changes going into Vista and 7. My experience editing PIF files from the 3.x days does me little good now, and same for all that Config.sys tweaks. Even troubleshooting and maintaining the various versions has changed dramatically over the past many years.

I definitely don't regret my switch away from Windows. It's not something I've solidly replaced just due to my gaming habits and nature of my job, but overall I'm glad I made the jump. Though I can't comment much on the switch to Linux, as it's something I've never really considered for my desktop OS. I'm happy with it as a server OS.