I know you may not have enough sata ports, but just in case you do manage to temporarily free one:
how about simply adding the new disk, creating a mirror from the old one, then breaking the mirror and removing the old one for good? That's extremely easy with Windows Disk Manager.

Edit: Oops, no, forget it. XP Pro does not do mirroring IIRC. Win Server 2003 does, only. I don't have an XP box close by to check in this very moment, but I'll check as soon as I can.

Edit: Also, I am assuming the new disk is larger than the old one, which is not necessarily true with SSD... Is it?

Edited by taym (08/09/2010 10:04)
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg