Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
I know for certain that my computer does indeed support mirroring,

There's a possibility that it does so via hardware controller built into your mb, in which case the procedure I suggested is going to be useless because you are going to create a mirror via the BIOS+Intel (typically) utility that comes with the raid controller.
However, the concept is unchanged: add new drive, create mirror, then break it, then remove old drive.

I still have to shop for the SSD, and am not having much luck finding the Intel or Sandforce models you recommend. Any recommendations as to where to look? Edit: That's because Intel doesn't make a 128GB SSD. They have 80GB and 160GB.

I got my Intel 80GB x25-m from Amazon.co.uk last May...

I did have one thought of a minor problem: I am replacing a 3.5" drive with a 2.5" form factor,

... and it comes with the adapter kit. I would assume many of them do.


This really does look to be a straightforward process, unless I run into problems because my BIOS is unhappy with the SSD instead of a mechanical drive

I think that's very unlikely.


I have heard too many horror stories about upgrading to a new OS (rather than nuke and repave) because when you upgrade you are just bringing all the old faults and registry

Correct, that was my point actually. I myself have actually gone through many horror stories up to the Vista->7 upgrade. It is the only one that took an entire night to complete, provided me with a very thorough analysis of what was done and how each piece of installed software would behave with the new OS, and worked just fine.
Admittedly, an entire night is a long time. Still, if you let it run and leave, it could be worth a thought.
Actually, I just dislike the idea of the upgrade to a new OS per se. I just tried it out of curiosity, ready to format all and reinstall since that particular install had gone through similar upgrades previously and was moved to new hardware three times, and I figured it was really time not to be lazy any longer and restart from scratch. But I wanted to see how bad the upgrade would be. And after 1 year I am still using that same machine every day happily. It is just fast. 3 GB RAM helped.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg