Originally Posted By: drakino
Not that I'm a big proponent of desktop Linux, but I never did understand the argument of "I've been on Windows for ages, other things are hard to learn."
I guess I just don't see the advantage of spending a lot of time, trouble, and money to change something I am satisfied with. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I am not a bleeding-edge sort of person, I don't anticipate my computer needs changing significantly in the future. The newest game on my computer is eight years old, my office software is seven years old. My computer does what I want, is reliable, and I know and understand and have already paid for the software that is in it, so what advantage to me is it to give all that up just so I can be even more geeky than I am now? (Not that that would be a bad thing.) Probably there are Linux solutions for virtually everything I currently have in my computer, but would they work better than what I have now and understand?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"