I hit a personal high of 285 earlier this spring, and decided I needed to get to work. Back in 2002 I was mountain biking a lot and went from 230 at the time to 200 over the summer without changing my diet at all. I knew I just needed to get exercising.

I haven't changed my diet too much yet, and need to do more there, but I'm currently down 25 lbs to 260. Fortunately I was pretty much already off soda, with the occasional drink once a month or so, so that hasn't been a struggle. The junk/fast food and just overeating have been my biggest hurdles.

Over the summer my friends and I did a "biggest loser" type competition. Just purely for ourselves, and a bit of bragging rights. We tracked both weight and our hours exercising. That helped motivate me a bit to get out there.

This will be the last month of good weather where I can ride my bikes outside. I'm going to really have to work hard to keep exercising indoors over the winter. I'm a bit like Roger in that I struggle staying motivated. Having someone to work along side me helps me keep going.

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