I've had two 'major' weight loss attempts in the last 6 years. At the beginning of 2005 I weighed approx. 340lbs. I say approx. because the scales at my local doctors only read up to 320! Over a period of 12 months I got down to 260 by doing nothing other than eating less. My doctor initially advised against any major exercise due to the stress on my joints.

Five years later I was back to 308lbs and with less than 6 months before my wedding, I decided to try and shift some weight and within 4 months I was back down to 260, this time by a combination of eating less and swimming (something I took up again about 18 months ago). In reality despite weighing approximately the same as I did last time I lost weight, I've actually lost more fat this time around, my waist size is at least 2 inches less than it was last time and my biceps and chest are about 1.5-2 inches larger than when I started again. I'm 6ft 1 and fairly heavy set anyway, my dad and various phys ed teachers always said I'd have made a cracking Rugby prop forward if hadn't been so allergic to pain!

From my experience Bitt is correct in saying the fundamental crux of losing weight is less in, more out. When Cris started on the Atkins I seriously considered it as well, but it seemed far too restrictive. I love my carbs and I've found I can enjoy them in moderation and still lose weight as long as I exercise as well.

Currently I'm swimming 4-5 nights a week doing at least 1.25km in 30 mins each time, I eat a salad for lunch and drink diet soda (which I really need to cut down on) but I have a relatively normal evening meal and then usually have a 'treat' once or twice a month. I admit that I've plateaued at my current weight and am finding it more difficult to shift any more pounds. It probably means I'll have to kick the exercise up another notch or cut down more on the food.

Looking at the whole experience I can say that while looking/feeling slimmer is great (some of my T shirts I was wearing back in March/April are now distinctly tentish!), the best thing is feeling fitter. Being able to tackle 2-3 flights of stairs without being knackered is great!

Andy M