My biggest problem is that I sweat like a pig at the slightest exertion, regardless of its toll on my stamina (and always have, even when I was a normal-weight kid), and I get dehydrated easily, even when drinking copious amounts of water. I've been to the emergency room half a dozen times having gotten in that situation.

I don't eat all that badly, though I could certainly do better, but I just cannot seem to do any exercise for any useful length of time that doesn't leave me trembling and nauseated from dehydration.

In comparison to you, Andy, I can run up 2-3 flights of stairs without too much effort, but ask me to walk leisurely for an hour and I just can't do it.

It really sucks, because I would like to weigh less, but I just cannot seem to exert enough energy.
Bitt Faulk