Originally Posted By: tonyc
It looks like we've got at least one incoming GOP freshman who's, shall we say, off message.
[quote]Harris spent months condemning the idea of Americans being entitled to taxpayer-subsidized health care coverage. Now that the election’s over, Harris suddenly feels entitled to taxpayer-subsidized health care coverage — and wants it immediately. (For the record, Harris and his family will probably rely on COBRA to stay insured until his coverage kicks in. COBRA, of course, is another government program that the right opposed.)

I was thinking about this sort of thing last night, while I was waiting in line at the grocery checkout. The person in front of me was using food stamps, and the first thought that popped into my mind was "you know... if the Republican voter base is okay with using my tax money to pay for their wars, then I really have no problem using their tax money to pay for my health care and her groceries."

My second thought, after watching her swipe her card through the card reader 8 times, each time with a different orientation (including mag-stripe up and away from the reader) was "Wow... she's not very bright."