Originally Posted By: TigerJimmy
try to find that Frontline episode

I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but it's called "Obama's Deal", and it's available online.

Originally Posted By: TigerJimmy
leader of the insurance lobby to basically buy them off so they wouldn't oppose

The lobby is not the industry, and the industry certainly spent huge amounts of money convincing the American public that this was a terrible idea.

Originally Posted By: TigerJimmy
A mandate that every American buy insurance. It's disgusting, and certainly not "change I can believe in".

I understand your problem with this, but the only way that this has a chance of reducing health care costs is if everyone has health insurance. I'd personally prefer it if the government provided basic healthcare insurance as part of being a US citizen, with private expanded coverage available at cost. My point is that, assuming he wasn't going to push for single-payer health care, which he probably wasn't, as it's politically unfeasible, he made a deal by giving them something he was already going to do.
Bitt Faulk