Originally Posted By: drakino
clever tricks to minimize data transfer. One of them out there that does a complete system backup won't actually transfer files over the wire if they see a duplicate already stored in their system from another user.

Wow, that is scary. smile

I've been looking at some cloud-based backups in the last days, and I remebered reading this thread a while back. So, Crashplan does look like the best out there, I think, but I am a bit concerned about security. I may be paranoyd, but I'd really NOT want Crashplan be able to look into my files, irrelevant as they may be. So, does anyone know how their service works at this regard? Clearly, file >transfer< is encrypted. But, then, once on their servers, I suppose they are accessible to their system admins? I'd love my stuff to be a bunch of meaningless bits to them, and nothing more.

Also, I too have 500GB of "valuable" files that I'd like to backup. I have a SHDSL, 2Mbps symmetric data link at home. It would still take forever to transfer all... But still, if the security part was convincing enough, I may be considering this.
= Taym =
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