Originally Posted By: andy
The one Windows machine that I have virtualised, I used the VMWare migration tool, which is free. I then converted from VMWare's virtual disc format to VirtualBox's one using VBox's tools.


Yup, Window's will pickup on the hardware change, but when I last did this I was able to do it over the net. When it has required a call to MS it has been quick & painless, they didn't even ask why.

Originally Posted By: mlord
I wonder if the DVD copy utilities will still work from within the VM? Gotta try it, I guess.

Copy? I was going to say no, but it looks like it is more of a maybe, and depends on the burner in question:
Configuring the Virtual Machine to Burn and Rip CDs, but this dates from 2009.
Random VMware forum tread, there are probably other similar threads.

Edited by Phoenix42 (27/02/2012 16:34)