Cool, thanks! Sounds good.

Another annoyance is that you can't edit a regular expression, you can't even copy it to clipboard, so if you want to make a change, you have to enter the whole bloody thing in again, now that's irritating.

Still, it seems to be doing what I want and I take a lot of faith in peoples opinions here - and it seems to be that people think it's good.

We have bt infinity at work and I have 50Mbit here at home, so I might give the "friend backups" a go as well, can't hurt.

I've probably got a gigabyte or so of source code that needs backing up, other than that, there's not an awful lot that needs backing up.

Out of interest, when you backup your virtual machine images, do you stop/pause the VM? How does it cope with backing up files that are "in use" like a VM?

