As a huge Tesla fan, I've been reading all sorts of articles on this topic. Personally, I am annoyed as to how the tone of most of them seem to imply, if not say it openly, that this accident is somehow related to Tesla autopilot feature.

It is not.

Let's put it in what seems to me the right perspective:

Tesla Autopilot, as amazing as it is already, could not prevent this accident, caused by humans. So, hopefully, it will soon improve and expand the range of human-caused accidents it can prevent.

Different topic: it is possible this human adopted a particularly silly behavior and decided to give up driving the car and instead rely entirely on an car feature designed to assist the driver in case of emergencies. That is quite irresponsible. If that is the case, than yes, here's one more reason for Tesla to keep improving its Autopilot system to maybe also cope with such human mistakes.
= Taym =
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