Actually, I was calling him arrogant. Most citizens of the United States are, myself included. We're brought up in a very isolated society, where we think the only differences we really bear are the differences between a Southerner and a Yankee. This is a remarkably limited view of the world, and leads to seeing everyone else as backward, or at least forgetting that they might have different viewpoints. I try to contain it, but fail often. Yz33d (what is that supposed to mean, BTW?) falls into it in almost every post. I first thought he was a troll, but his continued existence here would seem to indicate otherwise. He seems to honestly believe that everything that comes out of his mouth is of utmost importance, and seems unable to comprehend others' viewpoints. That, to me, is the definition of arrogance.

Then again, I assume that you have any interest in hearing this, which you don't.
Bitt Faulk