(echoes of the standard dialogue: "Tiene usted Dos Equis obscura?"..."No, senor. Solamante Corona o Pacifico")

It is actually the cheapest, worst beer in Mexico.

Oh, with Sol and Pacifico in the running, I'd say it's a three-way tie.

The Mexicans won't drink it.

Why, that's not so. Like Bud, some folks like it. Go figure. Plus, like Bud, Corona and Sol distributors can have some bars and beachfront bars and restaurants locked up. It's Corona or ...or something.

Plus, light, inconsequential pilsner has its place if drunk very cold in a very hot place. Hell, I spent a hot week on a boat in the Bahamas drinking *Busch* of all things, yet I was quite happy. It was the right tool for the job.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.