Jeeez Yz33d! There's Patriotism and there's ... .... there's ... ... .. well I can't quite find a word for what you have.
Hyperpatriotism. There hasn't been one thread you've read where someone has a friendly dig at America (Which should incidentally only be referred to as United States if you're talking about the northern bit below Canada). You wouldn't last two minutes in a Aussie pub if you were an Australian Citizen. Someone makes a dig at your homeland and you take it as a personal attack.
Lighten up a bit and roll with the jokes. In 2.5 years on this board I have never seen so many flare ups. You're refusal to accept the bad points of you homeland along with the good points is (IMO) disturbing.
I personally wouldn't want to live any place but Australia at the moment. But I don't defend it's actions, customs and history to the hilt.
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?