So, while I'm over here in the US, I figured that I'd avail myself of a
shiny new Sony notebook. It's the SRX87 in the US, which is the rough
equivalent of the SRX51 in the UK -- tres cute - really small, built-in
802.11 wireless etc.

Apparently these things are rarer than hen's teeth -- I've been dragging the
guys to every computer store between Seattle and San Jose in search of one.
Everybody seems to have one in stock, but it always turns out to be the
display model.

This morning, I rang CompUSA in Santa Clara, and to my delight, they had 6
in stock. Unfortunately, they _still_ have 6 in stock :-(

We drove over there this evening and I attempted to buy one. Unfortunately,
I left my passport in the hotel, so I used my UK photo drivers license.
This has allowed me on planes, post-9/11, so I guess it's good enough for
the FAA.

Unfortunately, it's not good enough for CompUSA and VISA, because after the
manager spent 30 (thirty) minutes on the phone, they declined my card.


That's not all, though. They also asked the retailer to _hold_ _my_ _card_
and post it back to VISA. Considering that I'm just starting a two-week
holiday (g/f joins me tomorrow), this is a bit of an arse.

I took the phone from the manager, and gave the VISA bird a bollocking, and
fortunately, they let me have my card back. Of course, now I'm going to be
scared to buy a bagel with it in case I get arrested and sent to Cuba for

When the UK wakes up in a few hours, I'm going to have some choice things to
say to Lloyds Bank and VISA.

Rant over,
-- roger