I have to wait while someone runs in back to check the price on an item for the person ahead of me.

The local K-Mart in my town has a policy that if the item doesn't ring up right (bar code not in the system, or price that rings up is different from that marked on the shelf) then the item is immediately sold at whatever price the customer says it is. No arguments, no "Price check on Register 13", no sending somebody back to check on the chance that the store just might lose 40 cents on the transaction. They just ring it up. Of course, that applies to customer-supplied prices within reason -- obviously a 6-head VCR isn't going out the door for $19.95.

They apparently take the quaint view that customer satisfaction is more important than wringing the last nickel of profit out of every transaction.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"