The grocery stores I go to, I swipe my card while they're still ringing up the items, all I have to do is sign the receipt and I'm out of there in less time than you can give the cashier a $5 bill and take $3.35 in change!

One advantage of my debit card here, it's also an ATM card. All the self card scanners I have come across at the checkout lanes (including Walmart as well) allow me to swipe, enter my PIN, and leave. Unless my stripe decided to not work. Out of the few cards I have, my debit card has to be replaced every 2 months now. I know it's time when the Walmart lady grabs the card, wraps it in a plastic bag, and swipes it. Because by the time I get the replacement, it will degrade beyond the point of that trick even working.

And can someone explain to me how that helps? My friend didn't believe me that it did until he watched a Best Buy person do it as well.

Second, if you need to purchase produce, which obviously has no bar code, you need to punch in a code for it. But they've yet to get the idea that it might be smart to put a list of said codes near the scanner. Nope. You've gotta spend ten minutes trying to get the attention of lobotomy-boy over there to find the code for you.

Odd, all of our King Soopers here that have these lanes have a button to press for produce. Then it brings up a menu to find the item, and adds it to the list. I know they didn't roll it out that way, but it's been like that for a bit. Initially you would put the item there, and wait on the attendant to enter it from their station (each station here has a camera on the pad so they can see it). They tend to work really well here as long as everyone remembers there is an item limit. It would be nice to see more of them, since when I use them, it takes me no time at all to get out of the store, around all the old ladies with checkbooks and fear of technology