The empeg was put together because you can't put 700, or even 700,000 hours of music on a CD. If this technology comes out, and you can store the capacities they are talking about... then never-mind mp3, because people will be able to burn their entire collections onto 1 CD without any lossy compression at all. All it would take is a CD player to play these things. The empeg is there to address limitations of CDs, CD changers and the like. I seem to recall that while manufacturers can come out with MP3 playing head units, it is still limited by the number of mp3s you can fit on a CD, and even then, you still need to swap cds. and even then, you have to wrangle with music quality issues. So basically, if you can store all the music ever recorded for the last 100 years on 6 of these cds, then why would anyone need to bother with ripping, encoding, emploding, etc? just put a 6 cd magazine and that is it.

it would probably cause an interesting shift in the music industry as well, if all the music ever publishable can be put on a handful of CDs -- music would have to switch to a subscription model where you can get these uber collections for free, and you can purchase the music unlock code from a music store and punch them into the head unit to make stuff available.
