Sorry, you're missing the point. Artists don't give a crap about limited space or how much space. Artists 1) want to be heard 2) want to be paid. If a distribution method exists to expedite 1 and 2, then why the hell not? If it doubles their profit I think they will go for it. I think you are arguing something else.I still maintain that you are missing the fact that
NO artist is going to create their own album that has 1000 songs on it. Just think of the recording careers of
ANY artist. NONE have recorded 1000 songs. Probably not even Madonna.
I allready said that an idea like a
sampling CD would be a neat idea, but I want to buy the result of a creative process. There is a process of streamlining an album to get it shaped the way you want it. Just think. If you have 8 songs, you're most likely going to remember 2 to 4 of them very well and the others you'll recognize easily and because the artist has weeded out "sub-par-for-the-album" material, you'll most likely enjoy them. If you have even 40 songs, you'll still like about 3 to 6 of them, recognize 10 to 15 of them, and the rest you'll either dislike or forget about.
and the cost to me is CHEAPER because I don't have to pay for packaging then that is completely brilliantOkay, the truth comes out. This is about you not wanting to pay for the extras. Well let me tell you, the extras don't actually cost that much. It's the price that the record companies are putting on them that they cost that much. I happen to like the cover art, but how much do you think that actually costs? huh? 3 cents for the plastic, 2 cents for the paper, and a regular fee to the art designer (usually someone associated with the band, not the label). So where does the actual ripping off occur? Not the artists themselves!
It's even better if I don't have to pay for the crap that comes on a CD for the 2 songs that I really wanted!I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but I'm willing to bet that you aren't that percentage of people who use Napster and still bought the CDs, are you? I am, and I never even used Napster.
1) want to be heard 2) want to be paidThat's a rather jaded view of things
I'm standing ground on the fact that this grouping (hell,
herding) of artists is not going to be looked favorably upon by the artists themselves.
How would you like to be just another folder on some disc?