You're not looking far ahead enough. A jump in presumedly cheap storage technology like this will blow away any need for an empeg. If you can store enough music on ONE of these super-CDs to play continuously for one year? then what? Since the basis is on CD technology, what if the head units to play these cost $200 each? What then? What if you don't need to use lossy compression?

If >1Ghz technologies miraculously appeared in the DOS days, or even the C64 days, what would you do with it? Run DOS much much faster? Make the 1541 disk drive run faster?

Anyway, this is all speculation, but to me, a CD technology like this won't be out for years and years, and even longer based on the sorts of committee red tape that spawned DVD and writable DVD formats --- but when it does I think it will relegate the empeg as it is today into some dark corner somewhere.

Calvin >;)