I once had a 1581, it was quite large...

I remember a friend who had a Vic20 and we'd all race over there to play the games until another guy's Dad got a C64. We'd hang around (almost chanting) waiting until the cassette loaded. Usually only to find that the the load was bad and we had to do it again.
Then they got a 5&1/4 inch disk drive (about the size of a shoe box!) which developed a faulty cable. So we'd hold the cable in some mystical way inorder to invoke the spirits of the successful load.
It was agony if the power got turned off cause you knew the pain of loading it again.

Or there was Dad's ZX80! With the power supply that was thicker than the rest of the machine.....

Ahh kids these days don't know what they're missin'!

Murray 06000047
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?