Hence my desire to do it directly in the player database, and only in reference to the selected playlist.

Sort of like an extension to the "set playlist order" dialog currently in emplode.

Imagine this:

I have a playlist called "Still Life (Talking)" which is the name of a Pat Metheny album. In it are a handful of carefully-ordered tracks which have no track number in their properties.

I select the "Still Life (Talking)" playlist, or perhaps the tracks that are within that playlist, and hit a "Write playlist position number to track field" option. It goes through and does it. But only in reference to THAT PLAYLIST because that's what I had selected at the time.

Now, all I need to do is go through and do that for all my album playlists and I never need to use POS on a download any more, I can now use TRACKNR from now on.
Tony Fabris