Thanks for the clarifications.

The toggle-centric design of the Shuffle menu you described is implemented well by moving the Off item to the right of the currently selected Shuffle state. I, personally, would rather eventually memorize the Shuffle item order and know that, say, Off was two to the right of "By year" (is it?). Perhaps Shuffle could be more toggle oriented through a HiJack button remap; ie: press-hold down toggles Info but maybe HiJack could change it to toggle Shuffle.

It would be ideal if Repeat, Info, and Visuals (and any others, including Shuffle maybe) all showed the current state when you entered the menus, as they do in 1.03. Users could learn the menus and then know how to get from the current state to the new state easily (and without looking).

By the way, HiJack friggin rocks after just the base install. I can't wait to read up and learn what it can do.

Haha, that and maybe there's a rule about being hyper-aware to these new-fangled things when stepping out of a stone-age version. Gets me EVERY time. Just wait till I upgrade my Windows 95 to XP.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set