hmm, sounds like you need some fresh blood on the alpha team.
You had just as much of a chance to catch it in Beta 13 as everyone else did.

I just checked the release notes for Beta 13. July 2002. Nearly a year it's been out. I dunno if it really was public on that date or if it was a bit later than that. My point is that the entire installed base of empeg owners pounded on it for months (not just the alpha team), and no one noticed this until now.

I don't meant to sound like I'm taking offense, I'm just trying to point out a logical fallacy in the statement. The point of having an alpha team is to catch the real show-stoppers before the larger beta group gets the software. We're not supposed to catch everything, that's what public betas are for.

FireFox: Next time, don't be so shy about running the betas. Perhaps stuff like this would get caught and fixed sooner if folks like you ran betas more often.
Tony Fabris