Internet Show Sharing doesn't really seem to be too practical, so I don't think anyone will be too sorry to see it go. Streaming over a home network is where Replay really has tivo beat at the moment, and there isn't any sign of that being discontinued. Tivo's home media option costs an extra $100 and last time I checked wouldn't let you stream to a PC.

Comerical advance on the other hand is something I'd be sorry to see them give up. From what I know of the issue, VCR makers fought this battle already and won. Where showsharing is of questionable legality, comerical advance shouldn't be. DNNA has to pick it's battles, but CA is one they should fight.

Now, the real thing I have to contribute to this thread is that Refurbished 5000's are now going to $329 WITH lifetime on the sonicblue/dnna web site, which is a great deal and a great use for my $25 coupon that has been burning a hole in my inbox.
