Your suggestions are valid... But I personally would have difficulty waiting a half hour when I know my favorite team is playing NOW.

The main issue is my own stupidity, though. I am quite sure that more often that not, I'll end up accidentally seeing the score of the game (or worse yet, highlights) somehow, which will ruin my whole plan to watch the game later. It'd be like if you've got an X-Files episode queued up in your PVR and as you're going to watch it, you see "The Lone Gunmen are Dead!" scroll by on a crawl at the bottom of CNN. (Or on a Slashdot story.)

I totally understand the utility and novelty of the PVR concept, I just don't think it's something that I'd benefit from as much as a lot of others. And if it's something that's going to lure me into watching more shows on TV than I already watch, maybe it's not a good thing. (Time savings from skipping commercials and flipping channels notwithstanding.) It's almost a situation where I'm scared of what other mindless tripe I'd be lured into watching.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff