In fact, this morning, I got onto the beltline behind a city cop, and, despite the fact that I was driving about 70MPH, he quickly left me behind, and he was not on his way to a crime scene.

I am noticing that 90% of all Austin PD I get behind don't use their turn signals, yet this is one of the main violations they will cite to pull people over to further investigate DUI, etc. Now I'm not against DUI patrols, but it irks me that they (or 90% of the rest of Austin) don't use their damn turn signals. I'm thinking of starting to take car numbers and times and reporting them. Hey my tax dollars right?
I did use one of those "How's My Driving" numbers on a delivery truck the other week. He thought he need not sit at the red light to turn right so skipped it by going through the dry cleaners lot on the corner. I was 5 cars ahead before he skipped the light. right behind him after with the 1-800 number begging me to call... I did. I felt good, if you're gonna feel like you're more important than any other car on the road, you better not have the "How's My Driving" sticker in view...
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX