Of course you are. The fact that you've got a radar detector in your car (at least I remember you've installed one once) doesn't come into play here I'm sure!
The radar detector is only one tool, and it does not usually come into play when referring to the kind of speeding we're talking about here.

The radar detector is usually only useful against standing traps, and those are usually on city roads, not interstates. On the interstates (at least in my experience), the cops almost always pace you, or do the onramp-drop and then pace you.

Sometimes the CHPs will run continuous moving radar on an interstate, but any time I pick up one of those, I've seen the cop long before I'm in any danger of being clocked by his radar. Often, when I see CHPs on an interstate, the radar detector doesn't even blip. They're just pacing other cars to nail them. As always, a radar detector is no substitute for being an alert driver.
Tony Fabris